Child care options and opening hours

Kita ylaa Bruderholz, Basel

Opening hours

Kita ylaa Basel is open from Monday to Friday from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM and offers the following child care options:

Half day and full child care for Babies, Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers

Our ylaa child care center in Basel, Bruderholz is open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM for children aged from 3 months up to their entering kindergarden.

Lunch and afternoon care for kindergarden kids

We offer lunch with subsequent afternoon care for kindergarden kids.
(Minimal requirement: four times a week with subsequent afternoon care).

Lunch with subsequent afternoon care 70 % (12:00 PM– 7:00 PM)

Kids’ Party

Our ylaa child care centers offer seasonal Kita ylaa kids’ parties twice a year for its members. On two Saturdays a year, we offer a seasonal and diverse program of activities for both Densa Park and Bruderholz children together. It’s only CHF 39.00 and includes lunch as well as an afternoon snack. All Kita ylaa kids aged 2 and up are invited.

Details for upcoming kids’ parties are listed in our BE IN THE LOOP section.

Kita ylaa kindergarden solution

If you would also like to have your child cared for in a bilingual kindergarten, we recommend the ylaa kindergarten solution with our partner academia International School.


Do you have further questions? Do you wish to arrange a visit to our center? Don’t hesitate to get in contact.